BINTI KAZI connects you to women who have made it in various fields and are willing to offer mentorship to young women who seek guidance on Career path, Self employment as well as tips that you need to know when applying for various employment opportunities in the public and private sectors.

Here are the Mentors in BINTI KAZI who are dedicated to offer mentorship programs. 
Reach out to us, and Let us Connect you to them:

Ms. Annagrace Malamsha
(Founder of  BINTI KAZI)

Ms. Annagrace Malamsha is a Pharmacist, Visionary Leader, Professional Graphic Designer, and a seasoned expert in the digital marketing arena and the Founder of BINTI KAZI Project. In the grounds of Pharmacy, she has an experience in patient care, heath advocacy, inventory management, along with pharmaceutical personnel and premise regulatory activities. She is a young researcher interested in solving health related challenges and strengthening the healthcare system. She is well versed in collaborative and remote working skills, with a solid background in running Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and is versed with skills of organizing national and international conferences, campaigns, and training programs. In the grounds of Graphics Designing and Digital Marketing, she has five years of experience in content creation and digital brand management in well renowned companies across the world,

Editha Kunambi
Managing Director at MTOTO NA MAZINGIRA

Editha kunambi is an environmentalist and acts as the Managing Director of the project Mtoto na Mazingira that aims at involving and educating children on the importance of environment in their surroundings. she managed to do the project within her community with some of the children and it has been successful since children can easily learn practically with good participation in the project.
Elizabeth Massawe
Senior UI/UX Designer
Elizabeth is a highly skilled and experienced Senior UI/UX designer with a passion for creating exceptional user experiences. She has worked with a diverse range of clients and projects, delivering innovative and visually appealing designs. Throughout her career, Elizabeth has successfully collaborated with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and stakeholders, to ensure seamless implementation of designs. Her ability to balance aesthetics with functionality has resulted in numerous award-winning designs and improved user satisfaction.
In addition to her design skills, Elizabeth stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and tools, enabling her to leverage cutting-edge technologies and design methodologies. Her proficiency in tools like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe Creative Suite empowers her to bring her creative vision to life.

Neema Athumani
Founder: Ndende Technology

Neema Athumani is a System analyst at NDENDE Technology responsible for analyzing and evaluating ndende’s system and processes to improve efficiency, functionality and overall performance of the system. She also mentors students on how to use data modeling tools and to analyze system

Amina Msoba
Roles: Business women 
Provides classes on coffee making and growing
Being a holder of bachelor degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and her strong interest in Agriculture biotechnology. She owns more than two coffee farms and also owner of Emmie café. She also do mentoring programs for youth and women in agribusiness.

Lightness Joseph Nyimbo
Manager at BINTI KAZI
She is holder of a bachelor degree of science in petroleum chemistry. Not only that but also a young lady with computer skills who is interested to share and mentor other ladies with these skills so as to copy with the current and ongoing world which is driven by advancement of technology. Thus it is very important for everyone to have knowledge and ability to use IT skills.


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